Profesor Živa Stanojević, sa Akademije umetnosti u Novom Sadu, zahvalio je danas studentima u govoru na demonstracijama u tom gradu, zbog toga "što su građane oslobodili od straha".
Professor Živa Stanojević praised Serbian students for bravely demonstrating against corruption, claiming they have "freed citizens from fear" and that those who commit crimes, including theft and murder, must be held accountable.
She specifically thanked several female students by name, emphasizing that their actions bring "freedom" to the citizens of Serbia.
Professor Živa Stanojević praised Serbian students for bravely demonstrating against corruption, claiming they have "freed citizens from fear" and that those who commit crimes, including theft and murder, must be held accountable. She specifically thanked several female students by name, emphasizing that their actions bring "freedom" to the citizens of Serbia.